6/26 World Drug Day

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June is China's National Anti-Drug Awareness Month, and June 26 is International Anti-Drug Day. This year marks the 14th National Anti-Drug Awareness Month, with the theme "Preventing Youth Drug Abuse."

According to Chinese regulations, drugs are defined as opium, heroin, methamphetamine (commonly known as ice), morphine, marijuana, cocaine, and other narcotics and psychotropic substances controlled by the state that can cause addiction. Opium, marijuana, and heroin are generally referred to as traditional drugs, while methamphetamine, ketamine, and ecstasy are referred to as new drugs (synthetic drugs).

Note: Narcotics and psychotropic substances are not illegal when used for legitimate medical purposes, but illegal abuse of these substances constitutes drug use.


Characteristics of Drugs


        Dependence manifests as a periodic or chronic state of intoxication, where continued use of the drug is necessary to maintain basic physiological activities. Without the drug, a series of functional disorders and harmful reactions occur, known as withdrawal symptoms or withdrawal reactions.


          Tolerance to drugs means that most drug users will experience a gradual increase in the amount of drug taken, shorten the intervals between uses, and switch from inhalation to intravenous injection.

Illegality :

          Illegality: According to Chinese law, drug use is an illegal act and must be punished by law. Activities such as smuggling, trafficking, transporting, manufacturing drugs, illegal cultivation of drug plants, illegal possession of drugs, and forcing others to use drugs are considered crimes and are severely punished.

Harmfulness :

          Harmfulness: The spread of drugs causes significant harm not only to the users themselves but also to their families and society. It destroys individuals, harms families, and endangers society!



The Harmful Effects of Drugs

  1. Toxic Effects on the Body:
    • Long-term drug use can lead to symptoms of poisoning, such as drowsiness, dulled senses, motor dysfunction, and disorientation.
  2. Withdrawal Reactions:
    • Abrupt cessation of drug use can result in withdrawal reactions, which can cause various complications and, in severe cases, can lead to the death of the drug user.
  3. Mental Disorders:
    • Drug users often experience mental disorders, such as hallucinations and loss of personality.
  4. Infection Complications:
    • Intravenous drug use frequently leads to infectious complications, including hepatitis B, HIV/AIDS, syphilis, and other infectious diseases.
  5. Impact on Family and Society:
    • Drug use causes immense harm to families and society, leading to family breakdown, significant loss and waste of social wealth, and even disrupting social order and threatening social stability.


How to Prevent Drug Abuse

  1. Recognize the Dangers and Types of Drugs:
    • Educate yourself about the harms and types of drugs by reading books on drug prevention and anti-drug enforcement.
  2. Develop Good Habits:
    • Cultivate the habit of not smoking and eliminate unhealthy hobbies.
  3. Avoid Entertainment Venues:
    • Minimize visits to entertainment venues and refuse cigarettes or drinks offered by strangers.
  4. Face Setbacks Correctly:
    • Handle setbacks properly and never turn to drug use out of despair or frustration.
  5. Limit Curiosity about Unknown Things:
    • Avoid excessive curiosity about unknown substances, and reject the notion of trying drugs "just once" without consequences.
  6. Refuse Peer Pressure:
    • Politely decline if friends introduce new substances similar to drugs, to protect yourself from their harmful effects.
  7. Be Cautious with Free Offerings:
    • Do not accept free food or drinks from strangers, cultivate good lifestyle habits, and stay away from entertainment venues, especially late at night.


Shenji Drug Abuse Detection Product Series

Product Features

  • Convenient Sampling: Non-invasive sample collection, facilitating self-testing for COVID-19 by individuals and families.
  • Easy Operation: Simple and convenient, no instruments required.
  • Rapid Detection: Quick results in just 10 minutes.
  • Accurate Results: Highly accurate, comparable to PCR tests.


Shenji Drug Abuse Detection Product Series CE Certification 

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