FOB Rapid Test Kit


Stool test for occult blood in stool can detect occult blood in stool within 5-10 minutes.

Test Type: Fecal

Read the result in 5 minutes, and the test result is valid within 5-10 minutes

Ordering Information



Specifications and performance

Test Type:


Detection level;Minimum detection limit:

Not higher than 0.1 μg/mL.

Detection time:

Read the result in 5 minutes, and the test result is valid within 5-10 minutes




Nanjing Synthgene Medical Technology Co., Ltd.

About this test

This product is used for the qualitative detection of hemoglobin in human feces samples in vitro.Fecal occult blood (FOB) refers to a small amount of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. Red blood cells are digested and destroyed, and there is no abnormal change in the appearance of the feces, and the bleeding cannot be confirmed by naked eyes and microscopes. In the early stage of gastrointestinal malignant tumors, 20% of patients may be positive in occult blood test, and the positive rate of occult blood

can reach more than 90% in advanced patients, and it will be persistently positive.The product only requires about 50mg of feces (equivalent to 1/4 of a pea) to mix the sample with the diluent. Just add 2 drops to the sampling hole and observe the displayed results after 5 minutes. The results are valid within 10 minutes.

Fast and easy to use


Positive:Two red bands appear. One is located in the detection area (T) and the other islocated in the quality control area (C), indicating the presence of fecal occult blood.

Negative:Only a red band appears in the quality control area (C), and no band appears in thedetection area (T), indicating that no fecal occult blood is detected.

Invalid:There is no red band in the quality control area (C), regardless of whether there is aband in the detection area (T), it indicates that the result is invalid, and a retest isrecommended.

Note: Do not read the results in dimly lit places.

Operation Suggestions

1. This product is only used for in vitro qualitative diagnosis, please use it withinthe validity period.

2. Please read the instruction manual carefully before use, and operate in strictaccordance with the kit instructions.

3. The product is for one-time use. If the aluminum foil bag is damaged, please donot use it. All samples and post-use products should be treated as infectious agents

4. If you use the detection reagent stored in the refrigerator, it is recommended totake it out of the refrigerator before the test, and return it to room temperaturebefore opening, otherwise the test result will be affected.

5. If you are in the menstrual period or have blood in your urine, mouth and may cause false positive results of the test. When collecting feces, avoid mixingwith urine.

6. The diluent contains a small amount of preservatives, which may cause irritationto the skin and eyes. If this solution contacts skin or eyes, wash/rinse with plentyof water. Get medical advice/attention if skin irritation or rash occurs.

7. Inconsistent or erroneous results may be caused by improper operation, contami-nation of samples, and presence of drugs interfering with detection.

Operation Flow


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