SARS-COV-2 Nucleocapsid (N) Antigen Rapid Detection Kit


The product is used for the qualitative detection of SARS-Cov-2 infection. SARS-Cov-2 virus can cause death and complications, No instrument required, It can be used for the screening of infected patents, This kit is used for personal use by untrained layman.

TEST TYPE: Nasal Swab

RESULT IN: 10-15 minutes

Specifications and performance


Nasal Swab


Test the enterprise minimum detection limit reference products S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, and S6 for detection. S1-S4 should be positive, S5can be positive or negative, and S6 should be negative.


10-15 minutes


Excellent (≈99%)



About this test

Coronavirus belongs to the Nidoviridae familyand the coronavirus family is divided into three genera of α, β and γ. α and β areonly pathogenic to mammals, and γ mainly causes bird infections. COV is mainlytransmitted through direct contact with secretions or through aerosols anddroplets, There is also evidence that it can be transmitted through fecal or oralroutes.

The negative result cannot rule out novel coronavirus infection, and it cannot beused alone as a basis for treatment and disease management decisions. Thepositive result of the antigen test can be used for early triage and rapid management of suspected infected people, but the positive result only indicates thepresence of the novel coronavirus N-Protein (Nucleocapsid) in the sample, andcannot be used as the basis for the diagnosis and exclusion of pneumoniacaused by the novel coronavirus, It should be combined with nucleic acid testingimaging and other diagnostic information, medical history, and contact history todetermine the status of infection.

Quick and easy to use


Positive: Two red bands, the detection area (T line) and the quality control area (C line) are both colored.

Negative: There is only a red band at the quality control area (C line).

Invalid: No band at all or one band on the T line. The test is invalid and should be repeated with a new kit.

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